Integras Insights

Insightful, Curated Articles to Help You Make Sound Financial Decisions

Realizing Your Dream in Retirement

Realizing Your Dream in Retirement

Paul and Maria came to us for clarity on their retirement readiness and advice on strategies for moving forward.

We helped them realize that dream when they have only the lake home mortgage, supported by income from the retirement accounts and two social security checks.

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Retirement Wisdom:  Do I Take the Company Pension?

Retirement Wisdom: Do I Take the Company Pension?

When faced with a layoff or early retirement, this can be the most difficult decision.  We’ve helped hundreds of clients weigh the options, so here are some questions that may be of help to you. Is my former employer financially stable and is the pension...

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Are Family Pressures Challenging your Retirement?

Are Family Pressures Challenging your Retirement?

Glen & Amber are a middle-aged couple sandwiched between their young adult children and elder parents.   Glen is a director at his company and not sure that retirement is possible right now.  He’s managed investments on his own after a negative...

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Considering Retirement: Sustainable Investments

Considering Retirement: Sustainable Investments

Meet Pete and Sandra. They have seen both sons married, purchased their retirement beach home and want to retire soon. Pete has enjoyed a successful career and built considerable savings and miscellaneous investments to complement his 401(k). They came to us for help...

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Young Professionals: Establish Healthy Investing Habits

Young Professionals: Establish Healthy Investing Habits

Meet Megan. She’s in her early 30s, single (for now) and fairly stable in her career, although she may change employers. Like most younger professionals we work with, Megan was unsure how to get started. She had a couple of previous company retirement accounts and a...

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Coronavirus and Market Fears

Coronavirus and Market Fears

The novel Coronavirus is the lead story in virtually every media outlet, so we are all aware of its widening presence.  Further escalation and imposed work and travel restrictions will have impact global economic growth, which is what the markets are...

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