Finding Value in Overlooked Sectors
The big question for investors now is where to be invested going forward. With the overall market trading at 20x earnings and first half gains concentrated into only a select few stocks, most of the market has been left behind. With the valuations of the high-fliers now in excessive territory, the rest of the market looks much more attractive. Value stocks and cyclicals such as financials, energy, materials and consumer staples are a relative bargain and beginning to see some traction. We have maintained value exposure in all of our strategies, seeing better risk/reward near-term than in large growth. Yet the best longer-term risk/reward is in areas not much investor attention has been paid to in several years.
We see potential in sectors and industries left behind in this tech-centric advance. The relative weaker performance of small cap companies to large caps appears to have begun unwinding. We have meaningfully added to small caps in recent months. Today, foreign markets are most attractive as they are generally at lower P/E ratios, and with virtually all regions (except Europe and Japan) growing faster, they offer better value. Plus, when the Fed stops hiking rates, the U.S. Dollar should weaken relative to foreign currencies, which enhances foreign markets’ performance in dollar terms.
We stay focused on what we can control and seek the best longer-term opportunities for growth. The impact and mistakes made during and after the pandemic continue working themselves out. This is a perfect example of the cyclical dangers we work to avoid with our time-appropriate strategies. For our clients with current income needs, we maintain a sufficient level of conservative assets to withstand periods of market weakness until the tide ultimately turns higher. With shorter-term needs funded, longer-term capital can remain invested for growth, and fund future goals. This is part of each client’s personalized investment structure. We like to tell our clients to go live and enjoy life, because we’ve got their backs!