Are You Watching Your Account Balances Shrink?

by | Jul 1, 2022 | Integras Insights

Watching your account balances shrink during down markets is never easy. Behavioral economists tell us that the pain people feel watching their investments decline is twice as powerful as the joy of gains. A period of market volatility like we have been experiencing recently is a gut check for even the most experienced investors.

Not too long ago, do-it-yourself investors were reaping the benefits of a rising market.

Notably, 2021 was quite abnormal with the S&P 500 rising approximately 27%. The index returned greater than 20% in only 4 of the 20 years prior.

What’s occurring today is a natural part of markets, but that doesn’t mean that it is comfortable. DIY investors may have simply stopped looking at their investments, which is a perfectly understandable reaction.

Professional managers are always looking and may be first to recognize buying opportunities. DIY investors have a tendency to wait for positive momentum before investing and may miss a significant portion of a recovery.

Some sectors are harder hit than others and professional managers make tactical shifts between them based on their research. We saw that stocks were overvalued last Fall and moved a portion of client assets to private real estate. We have since seen markets break technical support levels and further reduced equities exposure.

We only take meaningful market risk with the assets that can truly stay invested for the long term.

To accomplish this, we keep money that may be needed in shorter timeframes in safer, less volatile investments. We also have direct access to alternative investments that can complement stock risks.

One of the beauties of this paradigm is the reassurance that comes from knowing you’re not going to be forced to sell into down markets.

Speaking with a financial advisor may help alleviate the natural feelings of discomfort that occur during volatile periods.

If you would like to speak with us about your personal financial situation, click here

So, enjoy today and tomorrow, and let us do the worrying!

If you’re interested in our time-horizon strategies, contact us to discuss your situation.

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