For young professionals building a career, financial goals might seem far away and not get attention. It’s a fact that the sooner you begin, the greater certainty you have of reaching those goals. Not sure where to begin? Here’s what to think about first:
1) Capture all your company match – If your employer offers a retirement plan with an employer match, contribute at least enough to capture the full percentage. You must be contributing some of your own money for the employer to match it. You want your contributions to stretch through the last pay period of the year to get the last dollar.
2) Pay down credit cards – This is the next place to direct excess money if you have credit card debt. The average credit card interest rate is currently over 20%! At that rate, paying $200 per month on a $10,000 credit card balance would take you 5 years to pay off, and cost you over $5,000 in interest.
3) Emergency Savings – Set aside enough money to cover unexpected costs. Having adequate savings can help you avoid taking on debt and allow you to build investment accounts. You could automate savings by having some of your paycheck go directly into a high yield savings account.
4) Gradually contribute more to employer retirement plan (or IRAs) – Once you are debt-free and have built some savings, increase contributions to your employer plan. If your employer offers a ROTH 401(k), look here next – or open your own Roth IRA.
5) Contribute to a brokerage account – Brokerage investment accounts are where you can build wealth for goals prior to retirement, like home ownership, starting a business or any goal with a defined timeframe. Most investments here have preferential tax treatment which also provides flexibility to better manage taxes during retirement.
We help career builders create a roadmap to fund their goals and help with practical strategies to get started. We’ll be happy to help you, too.